This is Kei's now dump account.You can also refer to me with Ahkei or Ahjiela~

➼Vtuber fangirling twt accc!
➼feel free to dm me, i like making friends!!


➼SHU AND IKE ARE MY KAMIOSHIS! (watches niji in general)
i'll watch anyone more or less
i'm also more on the JP side

➼I'm very shy to interact but i love you all
➼ graphic design did not choose me
➼Kagerou Days
➼Seiyuus and Utaites (just new here)
I play games. In Apex basement. I watch apex tourneys (CR Cup/Vsaikyou, occasionally ALGS)

BYF/Other Info

RT Heavy
SOMETIMES I RT/like NSFW (but not too nsfw) art stuff
I multi-ship (im a lucashu and ikeshu enjoyer btw)
I will support you and your rare pairs
I tend to avoid TL drama
You do you, I do me.
(yes, i did not use the list function)
pls interact with me i want friends ;-;